Ratha Sapthami Celebration at Adi Kesava Perumal Temple.

On Feb 12, Ratha Sapthami was celebrated at many local temples.

At Adi Kesava Perumal Temple, Lord Adi Kesava Perumal along with Goddesses Sridevi and Bhudevi was taken in procession throughout the day in seven vahanams (thiruther, garuda sevai, sesha vahanam, suriya prabai, yanai vahanam, chandra prabai and hanumantha vahanam ).

At 7 pm, the deities in chandra prabai were taken in procession around kesava perumal streets.

The 7 processions took place at regular intervals from 6 am to 8 pm. Many devotees gathered to get a dharshan of Perumal in various vahanams. Music and dance programmes were also held on this occasion.