Fish hawker women affected by lockdown rules turn to making and selling dry fish

Fish-hawking women who work at the open-air market off Marina Loop Road have been forced to make quick changes in daily life due to lockdown regulations which have greatly affected hawking times.

The very slim window of sales does not provide for steady revenues, they say.

Many have curtailed the amount of fish bought at seashore auctions and few take the risk to stock seafood in small freezer boxes.

Hawkers told us that they dry the leftover fish to create karavadu and offer them on sale to residents in the sprawling block of over 8 colonies in this zone.

“We cannot even sell karavadu to customers because we cannot step out now,” said one hawker.

But these women, at least some have made time to unwind. You find them playing traditional games in the shade of a hawker stall or in common spaces in Nochi Nagar or in Dooming kuppam.

  • Report by Kavitha Benni