Beachside service road being widened; San Thome

MT BEACH ROADCivic workers have started the road-widening project work on the road that runs from the Light House to Pattinapakkam along the seaside, which was put on hold late last year after fisherfolk and activists challenged this project.

The service road has been widened and soil and blue metal is being laid in those parts, from one end to the other.

The road is now used to divert traffic running north-south at peak hour times. Its north end is a busy space, used as it is as a fish market by mostly women hawkers who buy fish from local fishermen. There is still an active kuppam community living here.

Lots of huts and hawkers line the road on its land side, among driving difficult.

Activists challenged the road widening saying that such development violated the coastal regulations.

It can be assumed that once the road is widened, a larger volume of traffic will be funneled through it as traffic jams are a common feature on San Thome High Road.