Chennai Corporation plants palm tree saplings along Marina Loop Road. The benches in the sand are functional

The now-cleaned sand side of Marina Loop Road will soon sport palm tree saplings from the Light House end to the  Sronivasapuram end.

This part pf the city’s civic body’s Marina improvement drive.

Some 100-plus palm saplings, best suited for this geography are to be planted; the work was started some days ago.

Late last year, wooden benches were set up on the sand side; functional and useful.

Lighting is average in these  parts and will have to be improved, say beach-goers. Also, people want the push cart hawkers to be regulated.

Two sections of this shore side once used to be an informal fish market for ages; some selling seafood sourced from the Kasimedu fishing harbour; others hawking fish caught in small quantities locally.

Members of the Light House – Nochikuppam community of hawkers were moved into the modern fish market GCC built off this road at great cost. But teething problems continue, with hawkers adopting their own ways to sell fish, rendering the designed elements wasted.

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