Three events are taking place at Sir Sivaswami Kalalaya Senior Secondary School in Mylapore ( Feb. 6 to 8), and all will showcase the skills and study of children here.
The Craft Bazaar is on Feb. 6 at 10 a.m. at the Conference Hall. Uma Yogesh. founder-director – Thejomaya Educational Services is the chief guest.
The display, of all the works made by students, will be open on Feb. 6 and on Feb.7, for students between 10 am. and 3 pm. and for parents on Feb. 8, between 9 am. and 12 noon.
The second event is Chip Challenge and is on Feb. 7, starts at 9.30 a.m. at the school auditorium
T.R. Sithara, HoD, Computer Science department, Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Choolai, will inaugurate the show.
Students will display computer science-based projects. The display will be open on Feb. 7 for students between 10am. and 3.00 pm. and for parents on Feb.8, between 9 am. and 12 noon.
The Pre-Primary Day event is on Feb. 8. at 9.00 a.m. at the school auditorium. Abirami, Pre-Primary co-ordinator, Chettinad Harishree Vidyalayam is the chief guest.