Dance recitals themed on Devi. On now at Narada Gana Sabha.

What does the Devi mean to you? How do you see the goddess? Is it seen as just Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi or there is more to it?

Well, if you sit through the lectures that scholar Dr. Sudha Seshayyan, currently vice-chancellor of MGR Medical University gives as a preview to the daily dance recitals that are organised as ‘Devi Bharatham’ festival now on in Alwarpet, you are bound to get deeper insights.

Devi Bharatham is Natyarangam’s annual dance fest with a theme. On till August 19, dancers who have excelled on stage, perform to music and lyrics that dwell on various themes on the goddess.

On August 15, the opening evening, dancer Dhivya Shivasundar focussed on the ‘Janani’ theme ( seen in the photo).

Before the talk-recital on Day One, Natyarangam presented awards to artistes and among them the prestigious one went to dance guru Saroja Kameswaran, a veteran whose performing and teaching career has been well-respected.

The guests for this formal event were vocalist Aruna Sairam and writer Shivasankari.

The talk by Dr Seshayyan followed by the dance happens at Narada Gana Sabha’s main hall, every day, 6.30 p.m. onwards. Open to all.

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