Students of Queen Mary’s College display their art works at annual ArtEx

“Every student is an unexplored mine of talent”, says Dr. B. Uma Maheswari, Principal, Queen Mary’s College.  “The college incorporates in its curriculum a host of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The line of up activities is based on the efficacy of experiential learning”.

Among the various clubs which provide students at QMC a platform for self expression, the Visual Arts and Creative Writing Club’s annual ArtEx is a big draw.

ArtEx ‘23, held a few days ago, had 250 participants drawn from all the departments of the college.

The wide array of works of art, called for a segregation of prizes into two categories – Sketches and Paintings being one and Handicrafts, the other.

ArtEx23 which was held at the Golden Jubilee Hall in Queen Mary’s College on February 2  gave the amateur artists of QMC a platform to showcase their inherent artistic skills.

There was an array of pencil sketches, water colours, clay art, 3D art and handicrafts.

The chief guests for the day were Prof. Eugenie Pinto, retired Principal of Queen Mary’s College  and Dr. Anne Samuel, Associate Professor of Fine Arts, Stella Maris.

Other guests were Dr. Kamalakannan, Assistant Professor of English, Presidency College, Poonguzhali, art enthusiast and an alumna of the college and Sonia. G, art teacher and founder of Nithi’s Art School.

  • Report by Preethi Srinivasan, QMC faculty


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