C. P. R. Environmental Education Centre (CPREEC) in Alwarpet conducted a series of programmes on ‘Sustainability’ – in the south Indian states of Karnataka, Goa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Andhra Pradesh.
Teams of school children submitted projects on sustainability of bio diversity, water and waste management.
The regional recognition event of Tamil Nadu was held this past week to honour the shortlisted school teams at the state level ; this took place at the CPR Convention Centre.
CPREEC constituted a competent regional evaluation committee and short listed 12 school teams at the state level from 118 project submissions from the schools of Tamil Nadu.
Student teams from 12 schools presented their project work in the event. The programme was carried out in association with Wipro Foundation, Bengaluru
Dr. P. Sudhakar, director, conferred the regional winner awards of Earthian 2022-23 to 12 school team members from all over Tamil Nadu.
Dr. Ram Manohar, secretary, Clean Thanjavur Movement, Thanjavur, addressed the gathering and felicitated the teams for their innovative work. U. Thirunavukkarasu, program coordinator, Earthian-sustainability education programme, spoke on the activities.
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