Wednesday rain: some streets, playground flooded

The spell of steady rain on Wednesday evening cooled the city alright but it also showed up areas which get flooded because water stagnated.

One such area that was flooded were the roads and streets off Musiri Subramaniam Road – Veeraperumal Street – Apparswamy Koil Street and P S Sivaswami Salai junctions.

Motorists had to motor slowly as the water lashed on all sides. Some people here pointed to the slush that had mixed with the rainwater and polluted it – the water had a dirty dark colour to it.

Elsewhere, the GCC playground located on St. Mary’s Road, near the church zone, was also flooded. Local youths who play here daily will not be able to use it for at least a week.

The playground was relaid some 8 months ago and it is evident that there are no drains around to drain rainwater that collects in the ground.

  • Report and photos: Madhan Kumar, Baskar Seshadri

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