Little Caterpillar playschool opens in Karpagam Avenue. Follows Montessori and Reggio Emilia educational philosophies with Indian touch

The Little Caterpillar is a new playschool and is located in Karpagam Avenue.
Its promoter says the project is  inspired by the Montessori and Reggio Emilia educational philosophies with a unique Indian touch.
The inauguration was symbolically made by Dr. Shobana Mahadevan, a well-known gynaecologist and Dr. Vasudha Prakash, awarded educator, social entrepreneur and professional academician.
The venture is promoted by Nikita Viswanath, who has been an arts teacher since ten years.
The playschool is open to kids upto 4.5 yrs in the morning session. The curriculum focuses on project based learning to grow the child’s “creative confidence”.
In the evenings, the program, called Playgroup46, is for children upto 12 years. The program offer archery, art, dance and movement, theatre  and such activities that help in the personality development of the child.
Nikita says the trained facilitators “follow the internally developed curriculum” that is inspired by Montessori and Reggio Emilia with an Indian touch in this spacious facility.
Child to adult ratio is 5:1. Hygiene factors such as low washbasins, child-friendly toilets and CCTV are provided. Qualified faculty handle the evening activities.
The Little Caterpillar is at No. 66, 2nd Main Road, Karpagam Avenue, R. A. Puram. Ph: 72003 24361

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