Luz church; restoration project will follow 500th-year celebrations

MT CHURCH 500 1stThe community at Our Lady of Light Church, Luz has a bigger project on hand which will follow the celebrations on now for the 500 years of the church – the restoration of the church believed to have been built in the16th century.

Conservation architect K. Kalpana and a IIT engineering expert have studied the structure and submitted a report.

They have suggested a three-phase restoration project.

“We white-washed and painted the church recently to make it look good for the current celebrations but we promise to follow the experts’ advice in the restoration,” assures Fr. Peter Thumma, parish priest.

The restoration is going to cost a lot and the congregation has to work out its funds-raising plan.

Says Davis Thomas, member, jubilee committee,”The experts report has given us a clean understanding of the history and nature of this church. We want to restore it in the proper manner and we will raise the funds.”

The community has other plans too – create displays in this Luz campus that will take visitors and tourists to the early times of this church and its neighborhood.