Ensure you drink enough water and eat healthy food-
A diet rich in vegetables, fruits and nutrients is good!
Do your daily Yoga, exercise- play, run, hop and leap,
Work hard with interest, but also get enough sleep!
Take care of your teeth, ensure that you breathe and floss,
Say ‘no’ to smoking, else your health will take a toss!
Keep your home and environment pollution-free and neat,
Keep out mosquitoes and flies, ensure a litter-free street!
Maintain social distancing, mask up in public places,
Remember even now there are many COVID cases!
When you come from outside, step straight into the shower,
When you sneeze or cough, your nose and mouth you cover!
Keep away from infected persons, avoid all possible contact,
Washing hands regularly will keep you safe, that’s a fact!
Consult your doctor and get all your vaccinations done,
Follow these health and hygiene tips and life will be fun!! |