Staff at GCC health centres locally await orders for new vaccination plans for early January. People continue to drop in for jab.

The staff at GCC’s Urban Health Centres across the Mylapore zone await directions for the new regime in vaccination in 2022.

The government is rolling out jabs for teens and what is called a ‘precautionary’ dose for seniors and frontline health workers who have taken two jabs previously.

At the GCC hospital and health centre on C P Ramaswamy Road in Alwarpet, nurses are a busy lot every morning. They say at least 50/60 people stream in every day to get the jab. The place is busy between 9 am and 11 am.

On Wednesday, when we visited the Alwarpet centre at about 11;30 am, there were some 8 people seated for the jab. Both brands of the vaccine were available. Staff here said they wait for a set of five people to assemble here before opening a vial so wastage is avoided.

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