M. Ct. M. Schools host folk dances contest for city schools

The Smt. Sivagami Petachi Memorial inter school cultural competition was conducted at M. Ct. M.  School, Alwarpet on August 3.

This year folk dances was the theme for the competition.

The judges were introduced by the school’s English teacher Nirmala. The judges were Kausalya Srinivasan and Preethi Athreya.

Participants were from eleven schools took part in this contest. The hosts, M. Ct. M. – CBSE School and the International School presented folk dances too.

The  principal of the M. Ct. M. CBSE School, Jayashree Kiran and Head of the International School. Sangita Varma participated.

San Academy won the first place and the team was honoured with Smt. Sivagami Petachi rolling trophy, The
second place went to St. John’s School and the third place was won by the team from Sivaswami Kalalaya.

V. Dharshini, the cultural secretary proposed the vote of thanks.

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