Elections 2024: polling peters out and ends

And at 6 pm, polling for Lok Sabha elections came to a close across the state and also, across Mylapore zone.

The zone falls mostly under Chennai South constituency and a slice off TTK Road falls under Chennai Central.

In many booths, polling was almost at a ‘dead break’ 1 p.m. onwards.

At the 5 booths inside the Vidya Mandir school campus in Luz, there were just 2 or 3 people inside a booth.

The trend remained such through the new couple of fours.

After 4 p.m. some voters got out to vote – there were a few at booths at St Anthnys Girls School on Madha Church Rad IN R A Puram and almost none at P S / North School booths.\

As we popped into CSI St Ebbas School on Dr Radhakrishnan Salai in Mylapore, the poll staff were busy sealing the EVMs and associate sets and the files which will be transported to theĀ  counting centre and kept securely tilo contn day.