Their mission – to recycle waste as much as possible and to package the manure that is made of it and then sell it to the public on the Marina beach.
Abdul Khader, the conservancy inspector says, “Our staff cover nearby areas like Kailasapuram, households behind Citi Centre and Karaneeshwarar Koil Street. Most of the homes have two bins – red for plastics and green for food waste. After collection, the plastics are again segregated by our staff. The thin ones are mixed with tar and used to lay roads”.
This is not the only place where the waste is being managed, says Abdul. “Zone 9 has 18 divisions and waste is being managed in different places in all of them. Residents can approach the Corporation staff at their respective wards to find out where they can dump their waste”.
The compost was used to nourish the trees and the grass at Marina Beach. But the civic body plans to sell the compost regularly too. “A sale was held two weeks ago on the Marina and we sold more than 130 kilos,” says Abdul proudly.
A stall will be set up this Sunday, May 14 at Marina Beach, near the Gandhi Statue, at 6.30 a.m. Compost will be sold here at Rs. 20 per kg.
– 7 compost pits, each 4 ft by 4 ft, with a capacity to hold 700 kgs of waste have been
constructed inside the burial ground.
– Cowdung and water are added to speed up the process.
– The waste reduces to 1/10 th its size after the composting process. Takes 45 days.
– Rakes are used to mix the pile every other day.
– No chemicals are added.
Ward 124 – At Kutchery Road, near the canal
Ward 125 – At Sringeri Mutt Road, R. A. Puram
Ward 123 – Near Sai Baba Temple, Mylapore