Huge audience for Vishaka Hari’s discourse at temple

Vishaka Hari’s discourse on Wednesday night at Sri Kapali Temple saw the biggest ever audience this season as the brahmotsavam concerts continue here.

The upanaysam was on Parvathi Kalyanam and Vishaka who has a huge following mixed story telling and songs with some light touches to keep the audience glued to her concert.

People sat down in all the sannidhis since the Navaratri mantap was full even before the concert began.

It was yet another hot, sticky evening but this year’s festival seems to be a big hit.

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2 Comments on “Huge audience for Vishaka Hari’s discourse at temple”

  1. I could not enjoy the upanyasam, because I could not find a place to stand in! But I managed to get a glipmse of Visaka while she came out of the sanctum of K.!

  2. As usual Vishaka’s upanyasam was very much enjoyable. One message she delivered to the youngsters is as follows. Namasmaranai ie chanting of Bhagwans name is important for this kali yuga. The young parents are advised to name their children in Gods nama like Parvathi, Shiva, Narayana etc. By calling their names repeatedly we can earn more punyam

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