Saint Luke’s CSI Church in Mandaveli observed Palm Sunday in a novel manner. This was on April 2.
The religious service began at 7.30 am. Palms were first blessed and handed over to the congregation and then started the procession; it was led by Pastor Rev. G. Dhanasekaran .
The congregation carried palms in their hands – this event is symbolic of the day when ;people welcomes Jesus into Jerusalem and later started events that led to his condemnation and death on the cross.
This community enacted a small part of what may have been the scenes in Jerusalem.
Three carts were hired and children of the parish were dressed up as Jesus Christ and Roman soldiers and they enacted scenes from the passion of Christ.

Said D. Moses Raja Cecil, Secretary of the Pastorate committee, “The team was trained for a few days for this event.”
The procession began from the old church at Mandaveli, passed through R. K. Mutt Road, V. K. Road, R.K. Nagar 1st Main Road, Thiruvengadam Street and School View Road and ended at the new church on R. K. Mutt Road.
After the procession, pastor Rev. G. Dhanasekaran continued the Palm Sunday service.
– Report by Juliana Sridhar
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