There seems to be immense confusion on the Aadhaar Card process. That is if you go by the responses of various officials who are associated with this project in the local zone. This much is sure as of now – the process is now limited to only one Corporation division in the Mylapore area. Division 173 is the area to be covered. The areas that fall under this division broadly cover MRC Nagar, Karpagam Avenue, Rani Meyyammai School area, KVB Gardens. Two booths have been opened on the campus of Raja Muthiah School on Srinivasa Avenue in R A Puram, off R. K Mutt Road for the biometric registration process. But the board here says that the process will cover only those who reside in the ‘old’ 150 division of Chennai Corporation. And that refers to areas east of R K Mutt Road and up to Srinivasapuram. There are two teams based in two rooms on the ground floor of a building in this campus. They set up shop mid week but say that only 3 or 4 people come by every day to get the biometrics recorded. Why is this so? One, because the KYR ( Know Your Resident) forms have not been circulated or have been done so in parts. It seems. One retired officer of Chennai Corporation who is based at the Adyar zonal office said that this job has been entrusted to people who work fulltime like teachers and state government staff and they will circulate KYR forms “only when they are free”. Obviously, this circulation has not been carried out in tandem and is disorganized. The officer said a weekend meeting will take stock of the KYR circulation form which is required at the biometric station. Two, hardly any information on Aadhaar has been communicated among communities who reside in the area where this process is on. Officers say that the receipt that was given to people in 2010/2011 when the census was taken is enough to get the biometrics done. “Those who have that form and live in the ‘old’ 150 division can get the biometric record done,” said one officer. One learns that the process will take time and will be rolled out in other Mylapore divisions much later. Covering just this area where the process began will take weeks. Contact officers and their phone numbers were released this week but while one phone was switched off another was extremely busy. << MYLAPORE TIMES will update the Aadhaar process information on its website – – and on its FaceBook page >>
Aadhaar Card update: two booths set up in R. A. Puram but little activity

Sir! I am in Srinivasapuram. Where’ll I take photo for aadhar card. May i know the address of the booth?
Please check with the nearest E-Seva office for help.
Sir ,
I am belongs to some other district ,now staying in RA PURAM. is it possible to apply Aadhaar card in chennai ?. Could you Please share R. A. Puram Aadhaar booth address ?
We are not sure with the info. Sorry we can’t help. – Editor
I have been sent a 10 digit enrollment number for taking biometric enrollment. Is it service still available in 148 Divisional Office, East canal Road, RA Puram.
Sorry, we cant help you on this
my division number is 143, so can you tell me where i have to go to enroll my aadhar card , kindly let me know the enrollment centre for this division .
Sorry, we cant help you on this just now
i am staying in LUZ CHURCH road, ward no 143, when i will be getting adhar card and where to contact regarding the same.
Please refer large adverts which have been published on the weekends of Jan 25 on this issue for city residents.
for Zone 146 (covering Santhome, Appu St, Dooming Kuppam, Sullivan Street etc), Aadhar process is from August 18-30 (10.30 am to 4 pm) at ICICI Bank Mylapore and RA Puram. Carry Ration Card, Census Slip (if not available, can check no at a separate line at the Bank by giving ration card, name of person and date of birth), Details of Bank Account, Voters ID. For children above age of 5, Aadhar card can be obtained; if their name is not in Ration Card, then Passport can be used in lieu.
There are 4 counters at ICICI Bank Mylapore; but reach early, as 1 representative stands and other family members keep coming in as they are contacted on mobile. Took me 6.5 hrs of standing in the queue to get the process completed. For each person, the time taken for fingerprinting, photo and checking if all details are correctly entered is about 8-10 minutes.
NPR activity is going on, any activity in mylapore?
Please read all news reports posted on the Mylapore Times website for info and updates
dear sir,
mylapore times very useful for the residents of in and around mylapore citizens. regarding aathar card i request details may please be obtained ward , KYC form, school in which the booth arranged and working days etc ., may please be obtained and published ….. most of the corporation staff misguiding the public , clear picture is not shown … we need the help , pl do
thanks u
sreerangachari. a
Luz , mylapore, chennai 4
Is First Main Road of RA puram is covered in this?
Dear Sir,
Further to my mail I sent at 9.40 a.m. today, I just phoned up Mr. M R V Krishna Rao and also requested him to browse through Mylapore Times website and read the grievance of Mr. Mohan P Rao, requesting him for remedial action.
I feel a call from the editor also to Mr. Krishna Rao will perhaps make even a better impact so that sad experiences like that of Mr. Mohan Rao may not recur.
Dear Sir,
Mr. Mohan P Rao’s harrowing experience described on 14 July, 2013 in his above mail makes a shocking reading. It clearly reveals how audacious and atrocious can the persons handling this important job can be. It also gives raise to a suspicion and surmise that authorities of the civic body are totally indifferent to the public whom they are expected to serve.
I feel the matter must be immediately brought to the knowledge and attention of Mr. M R V Krishna Rao. Joint Director at the Census Department excerpts from whose telephonic interview were published in Mylapore Times of June 29 – July 5, 2013 issue. Mr. Krisna Rao had brought cheers to mylaporeans by giving valuable details, but the conduct of irresponsible men handling the actual process, can put the whole process out of gear.
Dear Sir,
Can u pls tel me if RA Puram 7th Main Road,6th Main road are covered in this? Or wen will we get to know about the date for our area? There is seems to be scant response when i went to the booth.
Ashwin, if your area falls under the Division mentioned in report, the Aadhaar process is on. Else, await info from officials.
kindly up date regarding the aadhaar card for the 125th division of corporation of Chennai for ex. Nadu street. otherwise by e.mail
Not yet covered, Will take some weeks before that Ward is covered.
On reading your news item and after confirming our ward on the Board of Raja muthiah Chettiar school, on Sunday 14.07.2013 I went with my census slip around 1.30 Pm and I was refused and was asked to come the next day. They said that we will take only upto 2 Pm and when i pointed out that the timing mentioned on the boards are upto 5.00 pm (10.00 AM – 5.00 PM) He said todays quota is over. I have given numbers to the people and those who are selected by me and identified by me as per my wish only will be taken today and they may be coming after 2.30 or so. Where as the Notice Board outside clearly mentions NO TOKENS ARE ISSUED . Then how can he issue numbers to 30 people for the day and refuse others who came today being Sunday and next day happens to be a working day for the members. He says you have to come at 1000 AM in the morning and get your slip number and the timing for the process. Only selected members whom I identify will be given the numbers and only I will take their details. His speech was very rough and he said you can go and make any complaints to anybody am not bothered. With this experience being a Senior citizen I have lost faith and interest in getting this card done. Will the concerned officials do something in a neat manner and do not harass people like this. Moreover No forms are issued in our area to anyone so far. Will the officials take note ?
since i have voter id can i go and take aadhar photo and complete the process. as i am residing in balakrishna street near valluvar statue it would be helpful if you could letme know where shouid i go to complete the process
As far as we know, your area is not covered yet. You will need to await info.
Dear Sir,
I am sure that the query raised by Mr. S. Sivakumar is not just an isolated one. It is very likely that many other residents might also have lost trace of their Census Acknowledgement Slips. I do not think that any public notification from the Govt. was issued at the time of undertaking Census operations that the acknowledgement slips have to be kept preserved for Aadhaar or for any purpose. Chances are that many have just thrown them away as useless, or, at least, misplaced them and cannot trace them now. So, undue dependence on production of these slips will only lead to further complications and certain failure of the Aadhaar process itself.
Obviously, your update article above clearly reveals that Aadhaar Project and the processes associated with it do not seem to be taking off fast enough and effectively enough. The people entrusted with distribution of KYR forms may have their own problems in reaching out to residents, but the outcome is just wastage of resources and time delay.
Now, if the Prophet cannot go to the Mountain, why can’t we allow the Mountain to go to the prophet? In other words, can’t the Corporation Division offices open counters for residents to just walk in and register for their KYR details, by producing acceptable identity / address proofs like Ration Cards, Voter IDs, Passports, Driving Licences, Electricity / Telephone Bills etc.?
Dear sir
as it is i dont have the slip issued in 2010/2011,now can you tell me what should i do?iam residing in 4th street abhiramapuram,chennai 600018.
We can only share some news since we cannot replace the officials! You will need to wait till your ward/division is to be covered by this process and not get too anxious. Volunteers will distribute KYR forms when your area is to be covered.