Doomingkuppam community prepares for Annai Vailankanni Madha feast celebration

If you drive down the Marina Loop Road where, on the western side stand rows of tenements which are residences of mostly fisher folks, you will notice little shrines – Hindu and Christian.

Just now, in a sandy open square set between a set of blocks in Doomingkuppam, a group is overseeing the painting of a shrine dedicated to Mother Mary ( Annai Vailankanni).

The shrine which holds a life-size statue of the madha, has been freshly painted with the theme of trees and woods this year.

This is done for the annual madha feast that starts on August 6 this year.  It is celebrated in a grand manner with prayers said on 8 evenings , ending with a grand religious and social celebration.

Since this kuppam has a large number of Christians, the community contributes well for this feast.

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