The steady rain through Monday and last night showed up some of the civic problems that plague some areas of Mylapore.
There were very few cases of rainwater stagnating for long hours. But people from many areas reported that power tripped or was curt off and was restored later. One such case was reported from Mandaveli.
The rain exposed poor conditions of inner streets – one such was in Alamelumangapuram and School View Road off Raja Muthiah School; these are streets that had been dug up for other needs but not completely relaid.
This morning, on Norton Street Mandaveli Urbaser Sumeet workers were seen clearing a large tree which collapsed last night.
In many areas, branches of trees or dead parts of avenue trees crashed and had to be cleared.
And as it always happens, the local playgrounds, like the GCC’s recently-redone playground on St Mary’s Road ( seen in photo below) were flooded with rainwater.