Pot-holed Mandaveli Street holds rain water, frustrates motorists

The monsoon may have set in but the rains have been patchy.

Across Mylapore zone, though there have not been any serious sights of flooding or civic mess, the season is showing up streets where water stagnates and streets and roads which have just not been relaid for long.

This Tuesday morning, we spotted water stagnating on Paripoorna Vinaykar Koil Street in Mylapore; motorists using this street couldn’t but ride into the water and this splashed on pedestrians. ( first photo)

Mandaveli Street has been in bad shape for months after it was dug up for civic work. It was relaid in parts but not properly. ( photo above)

Now, the rain is showing up the swathes of pot holes which get filled with rainwater – from the Mandaveli Post Office end to the Dhyana Ashram end.

  • Reported by Madhan Kumar

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